Programmatic Ads Vs Display Ads – Difference Between

Digital marketing includes a sizable portion of digital advertising, including programmatic and display ads. For a good reason—digital advertising produces results—it already makes up more than half of all advertising spending in the U.S. Google claims its advertising network provides an average ROI of $2 for every $1 invested.

Working with an established digital advertising firm is one of the finest methods to optimize the value you receive from online advertising. Increase Rev has been successful in increasing its clients’ advertising money. We are Google’s premier partner and aim to produce more than 200% of ad revenue from day one.

Explore our programmatic advertising services right away to find out more about partnering with our team of digital advertising specialists!

However, to get a broader view of programmatic ads vs display ads and decide which one to opt for, you need to read this article!

programmatic ads vs display ads

Is Google Display Ads Programmatic?

Yes! GDN employs an auction-based bidding technology, similar to programmatic advertising, to display adverts to a specific demographic across mobile apps and websites. It’s a widespread misunderstanding that GDN and programmatic are identical because of their overlapping functions.

While GDN and programmatic advertising aim to put your message into the hands of a target market, programmatic advertising comprises more than 150 ad exchanges (including GDN).

It is beneficial to be aware of the fundamental distinctions between programmatic ads vs display ads and how they may benefit or hinder your campaigns when selecting a platform for your digital advertising.

What Are The 4 Types of Display Ads?

·         Retargeting Advertisements

These days, the most common kind of display advertisement is this one. Retargeting ads are displayed to website or app visitors who interacted with them but departed without taking any further action. As a result, consumers receive targeted advertisements with content that is tailored to what they’re browsing for.

·         Traditional Advertisements

These advertisements, which come in landscape, square, and skyscraper visual sizes, are most frequently connected with display advertising. These advertisements are typically displayed on websites and are typically image-based with certain text.

·         Responsive Advertisements

The ad-platform algorithm employs particular kinds of display ads to arrange, size, and orient an advertisement in different ways depending on various headlines, descriptions, and visuals. The platform chooses the format that will impact the given audience the most.

·         Native Advertisements

This kind of display advertisement is a little unique from the others. Ads are usually very noticeable to set them apart from the content around them. However, native advertisements have the exact opposite effect. They make an effort to blend in with the surrounding information and avoid standing out as advertisements.

Because they resemble real content, these adverts generate higher levels of engagement. However, there is a potential that readers would feel misled because they believed it to be a typical piece of information.

Programmatic Advertising Vs Display Ads

The core differences between programmatic ads vs display ads are as follows:

Parameters Google Display Ads Programmatic Ads
Pricing Google display network doesn’t require the same extensive budget as programmatic advertising. It is less expensive because it makes use of the following payment methods.

·         Cost per click (CPC)

·         Cost per mille (CPM)

·         Cost per action (CPA)


Programmatic advertising solely uses the CPM model and real-time bidding in a vendor-neutral context to reach a larger audience.
Data Analytics You can report campaign statistics using Google Ads with a delay that can be anything between a few hours and a day for various KPIs. Results of programmatic campaigns can be reported very instantly. In this situation, tracking a programmatic campaign’s performance has a big advantage because it enables more efficient activity optimization.
Entry Suitability With Google Ads, there is no problem with advertising because you can purchase it for any sum of money and scale the expenses according to your requirements. In contrast, programmatic advertising may show your advertisement, but you frequently need to spend the minimum amount each month on the platform of your choice.
Settlement Patterns Google provides several settlement models, including.


·         CPM (Cost per Mille) – This is the price paid for every thousand views of an advertisement.

·         CPC (Cost per Click) – When a user clicks on your ad, you will be charged a set amount.

·         CPA (Cost Per Action) – You pay each time a user completes a predetermined action; the action can be anything you choose, such as making a purchase or signing up for your newsletter.

Programmatic advertising only uses the CPM model, which has a settlement that is computed slightly differently: CPM = (expenses/views) x 1000. This is so that each view for which you place a separate bid can have a distinct rate.
Formatting You don’t get much more from GDN except image advertising. Only video, audio, or TV-based advertisements that are specific to YouTube and its app may be utilized with GDN. Programmatic advertising can incorporate video adverts, and you can choose whether to include or exclude YouTube from the campaign’s scope.

What Are The 4 Main Components of Programmatic?

      Demand Side Platforms (DSPs)

With the help of this platform, advertisers can simultaneously purchase ad space on several different platforms. DSPs select advertising space on their account following the targeted and financial needs of the advertisers. It evaluates the placement of the ad depending on the website’s features and the user’s attributes. A DSP receives bids from advertisers, and the platform then chooses which bid to accept.

      Supply Side Platforms (SSPs)

For DSPs to put in bids, the SSP acts as the publisher’s agent by informing advertisers about the site’s users and ad space specifics. They effectively advertise the ad space as a good that is for sale. This program allows publishers to automatically and instantly sell display, mobile, and video ad views to potential buyers. Ad networks, exchanges, and DSPs are all included in this.

      Data Management Platforms (DMPs)

Data management platforms facilitate data sorting and ad-buying selections. A DMP’s capabilities are severely constrained if it doesn’t have a DSP; without one, it is simply a file cabinet storing user data.

A DSP is unable to make independent decisions about where to buy advertising space. Several Demand Side Platforms now automatically integrate DMP services into their platforms to give advertisers a complete solution. Accurate data is essential for programmatic marketing. An independent platform known as DMP collects, maintains, analyses, and uses data.

      Ad Exchange

On an ad exchange, publishers and advertisers can agree on a value for the display of their adverts. Comparable to the trading floor of a stock exchange, but for digital display ads. Most ad exchanges now conduct real-time auctions when an advertisement is sold while a web user is loading it. Based on how competing the inventory is, ad prices alter on an ad exchanger wherein DSPs are linked.

What Are Examples of Programmatic Advertising?


Google introduced programmatic advertising in 2014, intending to improve the effectiveness of its advertising efforts. The business sought to improve the outcomes of its digital advertising, and programmatic advertising provided the answer.

Google put a lot of effort into marketing its Google Search App as a component of its programmatic advertising strategy.

Google was able to concentrate on the most valued audience members due to the company’s usage of first- and third-party data to create its ad targeting. Google also made use of the possibility of real-time campaign optimization, reusing campaign data to enhance its approach.

Programmatic advertising was successful for Google and brought about the following successes:

  • A 50% rise in brand recognition.



Is DSP Programmatic Advertising?

Yes, Demand-side platforms, or DSPs, are programmatic advertising platforms that enable advertisers and media buying agencies to programmatically bid on display, video, mobile, and search ad inventory from various publishers.

By implementing DSP programmatic marketing, marketers can upload target markets, customer data, and campaign creatives. They can then decide on their spending limits and leave the platform to do all the legwork of connecting the advertiser’s offerings with the publisher’s requirements and available ad inventory to determine the best placements.


Considering the learning curve and expense, it can be true to say that between programmatic ads vs display ads, programmatic advertising is a superior choice if you have the money.

After all, it offers you greater control, more precise targeting, and a larger scale. However, this does not imply that GDN is unsuitable. GDN is a highly excellent, less expensive choice if you’re on a tight budget.

Whatever you decide, your advertising efforts must be supported by a clear goal, excellent content, and a solid marketing plan.

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